A Digital Partogram
To make birth safer
Why to start using a digital partogram?
MATERNUM is an exceptional digital partogram, that achieves and excels
the highest standards of safety, simplicity of use and speed.
Customize the partogram to your needs | Do not introduce the same data twice | Use it from anywhere
With MATERNUM you can customize the partogram according to your needs, making it possible to edit different modules and to add or erase fields.
With MATERNUM you can automatically fill in missing data, and send it to other services in the hospital, removing the need to fill in redundant data across different hospital systems.
With MATERNUM you can access patient information, including risk factors and progression notes from anywhere.
A brand new tool that allows MATERNUM to:
Automatically make complex calculations of key indicators;
Complete missing data, and send it to other services in the hospital;
Allows detailed information about indicators as how much time has passed since,for example, the rupture of the membranes.
Make birth safer
Digital Wallboard with full information of every patient in every room, in real time.
A 100% paperless solution that can be integrated with a CTG monitoring central.
Automatic data sharing with other services and fully customizable.
Introduction of notes about the parturient work, with high usability and flexibility.
Access to patient information, including risk factors and progression notes in different locations, devices, and platforms.
MATERNUM patient list with indication of the Omniview Alerts
MATERNUM partogram and Omnivew Sisporto monitoring CTG central are now deeply integrated.
This comes with some important advantages as:
Accessible anywhere, from any device: CTG. Tracings become viewable via MATERNUM.
Any computer, tablet or smartphone inside the hospital can be used to check both currently running tracings and the patient’s.
Improved Patient Safety: Displaying real time Omniview Sisporto alerts in MATERNUM adds clinical information and facilitates.
Embedded CTG in MATERNUM
Convenience: Searching and comparing CTG tracings requires a lot less effort with MATERNUM’S Patient History, which displays the patient’s full Antepartum CTG, Partogram and ongoing CTG in a chronological order.
No Device Configuration Required: As MATERNUM is a Web Application, the only requirement for a device to access it is having an internet browser and being connected to the hospital’s network. There is no need to nstall additional software on new PCs / Smartphones / Tablets that clinical staff use.
The MATERNUM module allows the introduction of patient lab delivery notes with great ease of use and flexibility to have information about multiple locations and devices. It is even possible to use it standalone, you just need a browser.
The MATERNUM allows to tailor its behaviour to each institution’s need and provides custom complex calculations, reactions to imputed values and custom statistical reports to be mailed automatically.
Data can be entered using touch or keyboard and mouse, graphics are optimized for easy data reading and updating.
Features at a glance:
Work progression charts and grades
Patient information including risk factors
Newborn and delivery details
Hall picture
Touchscreen or keyboard mode
Cross-Platform Web Application: Windows / Mac Pc / Tablet
Access via web browser
Active Directory Authentication
Paperless operation and optional prints
Search file and audit log
Integration with Omniview sis-Porto
Newborn data: Total number of newborns; Average Weight; Apgar Mean 1; Mean Apgar 5; Average Apgar 10, Male; Female; Forceps; Suction cup; eutocyte; Caesarean; Stillbirths; Robson.
Patient data: Name; Address ; City ; Birth date ; Patient Number ; Telephone ; Parents ; ID
Statistics: By date ; Total deliveries ; Average age ; Average session Gestation ; Forceps ; Suction cup ; eutocyte; Caesarean ; Increased Blood Loss; episiotomy; lac doctor. perineal.
Organization of birth data: Touch ; keyboard or mouse
Safety: Rapid assessment of the parturient